Can't remove duplicate files

Ccleaner can't remove some files in some folders after a duplicate scan is done. I checked to have the latest version (v5.60.7307) and I started it in DEBUG mode. The error message is shown in the attached screenshot.

This is the DEBUG log from when I selected the tool to remove duplicates

[17:50:48::879][DEBUG] Analytics::SendEvent - Category: Tools/Duplicate Finder, Action: click, Label: Nav: Duplicate Finder, Value: 0, bInteractive: 1

[17:50:48::879][DEBUG] Analytics::SendPageView - DocumentPath: Tools/Duplicate Finder, DocumentTitle: Tools/Duplicate Finder

[17:51:08::075][DEBUG] Duplicate - Starting drive wipe process...

[17:51:08::098][DEBUG] Trial has ended

[17:51:08::108][DEBUG] Duplicate - Starting...

[17:51:08::108][DEBUG] Analytics::SendEvent - Category: Tools/Duplicate Finder, Action: click, Label: Search, Value: 0, bInteractive: 1

[17:54:05::049][DEBUG] Drive Wiper - Drive wipe process was completed

[17:54:30::433][DEBUG] Trial has ended

[17:55:40::001][DEBUG] Trial has ended

[17:55:40::557][DEBUG] OnTimer::Check Configuration - BEGIN - ############################################################################

[17:55:40::557][DEBUG] OnTimer::Check Configuration - Expired = 0

[17:55:40::558][DEBUG] OnTimer::Check Configuration - It will check again in = 292 minute(s) (17556000 milliseconds)

[17:55:40::558][DEBUG] OnTimer::Check Configuration - END - ############################################################################

[17:55:40::558][DEBUG] OnTimer::Check update - BEGIN - ############################################################################

[17:55:40::559][DEBUG] OnTimer::Check update - Expired = 0

[17:55:40::559][DEBUG] OnTimer::Check update - It will check again in = 715 minute(s) (42901000 milliseconds)

[17:55:40::559][DEBUG] OnTimer::Check update - END - ############################################################################

[17:55:46::277][DEBUG] Trial has ended

[17:55:46::278][DEBUG] Analytics::SendEvent - Category: Tools/Duplicate Finder, Action: click, Label: Delete Selected, Value: 0, bInteractive: 1

[17:55:48::041][DEBUG] Trial has ended

[17:55:59::004][INFO ] Closing application...

[17:55:59::028][DEBUG] Duplicate - Requesting to stop...

[17:55:59::028][DEBUG] Duplicate - stopped

[17:55:59::052][INFO ] Finished closing application

[17:55:59::053][INFO ] Application Ended



I also tried to reset the folder permission (windows 10) both with explorer and with some command line stuff I read online

I have the same problem... I find and select files to delete; press delete; then get message "Some files were not deleted." (In fact none are deleted.)

Any ideas

I had the same problem, I had an old hard drive full of junk and duplicates and the Duplicate Finder didn't remove any of those.

The solution, for me at least, was to change the folders owner to "Users".

Right click on the folder, Properties->Security tab->Advanced, at the Owner: click Change, enter Users, hit OK and Apply. Close the Properties dialog fully, right click again at the folder, Properties->Security tab->Add the "Users" group to the security tab, and check the Full control. Hit Apply and restart CCleaner.

I have the same problem

The error message show in the original post from last July is what is displayed when files cannot be deleted by CCleaner.

This is usually because of one or more of the following:

  1. the files are protected from deletion, (System Files, self-protected files for your AntiVirus, user protected files),
  2. the current user does not have permission to delete/modify those files,
  3. the files are open and are in use.

PS. You should not try to remove duplicate System Files, often the system needs the same file in more than one location (particularly .dll's) and removing duplicate System Files may/will cause your computer to act strangely, or even stop working at all.

Duplicate finder should only be used to find dupicates your own files; documents, photos, videos, etc.

(The option to find duplicate System Files is there for advanced use by a computer technician).


actually the same occur for all regular files, pictures, mp3s , pdfs..its not a system file, not protected, not open..and since the same user is able to directly delete it once right click and "open folder location" then delete the file..then there is no permission issue here...

the search engine is great..but the deletion is broken..note: im using latest version of windows 10 & latest version of the app to date

I've just tried it.

Copied an image to a different folder, searched for duplicates in CCleaner which found them, then ticked one of the boxes and deleted one of the duplicates using CCleaner.

All went exactly as expected.

If you could give us more details of what you are doing/seeing, and maybe screenshots, we maybe able to work out what your issue is.

Is CCleaner running on an Admin account, or a limited user account? It has limited capabilities if not ran with Admin privileges. I don't personally use it, but when hit by a road block of Windows I'll just Take Ownership in Windows 10 of a file or folder.