Can't open Control Panel, Win Update or Display Properties after using CCleaner

Help! I'm ready to cry like a baby. I can no longer open Windows Control Panel, Windows Update or right click desktop/display properties after using CCleaner. I made the terrible mistake of uninstalling CCleaner before I checked the version (I know I should be smarter than that) for bug reporting. I have applications that I am working on that I cannot afford to do a wipe/reinstall of Windows Vista on! Any known issues with a fix? PLEASE HELP!

Have you tried system restore?

Well, despite how it might sound, I'm a computer professional. I've always disabled system restore (resource hog) I've never had the need to use it. So, story in a nutshell, it's disabled. My system is lean and runs clean. No firewalls, anti viruses, adware crap. I've never had malware, spyware, viruses because I really DO know my way around a PC and know what to avoid.

I am certain is was CCleaner because everything was working fine prior to running it. I can get into Control Panel via My Computer but there is no longer the 'classic' control panel view. It just hangs up. Also, cannot run Windows Update. I get the wait cursor then NOTHING.