Can't install Update 5.66


I have tried several times to update CCleaner (Free Version) from Version 5.66 on my Windows 7 Home SP1 64-bit Laptop and all I get is a frozen blank installation screen. The same exe file installed perfectly well as usual on my other Laptop running the latest version of Windows Home 64-bit.

Can anyone suggest why this updated version won't apparently install on Windows 7?

Windows 7 is getting old, and it can't handle the graphics in the CCleaner Standard installer which is why it freezes for Win 7 users.

Instead for Win 7 you must use the Slim installer which doesn't include those particular graphics, the CCleaner installed is exactly the same.

You can find the Slim installer here, it's the bottom one of the 3, you may want to bookmark the page for future use:

Brilliant. Many thanks for the link, installed perfectly. BTW Windows 7 might be old but mine runs much faster with a far lower spec than the Windows 10 machine without all the bloatware that 10 has.