Can't Install CCleaner

I have a prior version (about 6 months old) on one computer and am trying to upgrade. I downloaded the latest version and when I clicked on RUN, I got an error

CCleaner v2.15 setup

Error Opening File for writing

C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe

Abort Retry Cancel

I had this happen to a 2nd computer, hit retry twice and it installed. It will not install on this computer even though a prior version did install. I have hit retyr multiple times. I even cliecked on SAVE and tried to run it from the desktop and I get the same error. How do I resolve? I love the product and want it running on all computers, but can not upgrade. Help! Thank you.

Try downloading to from here

Choose save, and save it to your desktop, and then try it.

Are you using xp or vista?

No other problems, virus/malware etc?

Try downloading to from here

Choose save, and save it to your desktop, and then try it.

Are you using xp or vista?

No other problems, virus/malware etc?

Using Windows XP professional. Ran a full scan of the system for virus/malware, but will do it again before trying to install. Will be back at ya once I try. Thanks for the location to try to download again.

My install also choked. I'm running XP.

Thanks for the link, but it just redirected me back to the Download page.

I've attached a screenshot of the generic error message I'm getting if that will help.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

