Windows 7 x64 SP1.
I have a retractable taskbar (auto-hide). When CCleaner 5.0 is open, moving the pointer to the bottom of the screen will not bring up the task bar.
No other application does that. Anyone else experiencing the same?
Windows 7 x64 SP1.
I have a retractable taskbar (auto-hide). When CCleaner 5.0 is open, moving the pointer to the bottom of the screen will not bring up the task bar.
No other application does that. Anyone else experiencing the same?
yeah, saw a post with the same issue yesterday.
just had a quick look and couldn't find it, but you're not the only one apparently.
Bingo - thanks Hazel (no wonder I couldn't find it, with a title like Taskbar is hidden what chance did I have)
should have had a girl look instead of a boy one