Cant get rid of Nero Burning ROM

CCleaner is still showing 'Ahead Nero Burning ROM' in the applications list even though I uninstalled it.

And shouldn't CCleaner remove all leftover traces of Nero too?

So is Nero really gone from my system or still lurking somewhere?



If you ran "issues" and it was not removed, do this: Open your programs file and remove the empty nero file if still present. Also, make sure it is unpinned from the start menu and deleted from all programs. To answer your question: There are probably remnants. After all, this is Microsoft!

CCleaner identifies some programs by looking at a registry value(very bad idea). the registry fixer wont delete the registry tree where it is so you have to do this manually. or use some program that fixes it for you. i think RegCompact .NET does it but im not sure.

and no this is not microsoft. the registry was indeed implemented by Microsoft however CCleaner was not. neither is Nero Burning ROM.

Also why uninstall Nero? i've been using it for a long time now and it hasnt failed me.

So would it be safe to delete the registry branches?




It seems like this is where all the offending items are still lurking.

yes it is if you dont have any other software installed by Ahead

When I said microsoft, I was referring to deleting programs, not CCleaner!! why say microsoft. Microsoft doesnt have anything relating to deleting files except providing Functions and APIs that can allow anyone to do this. a FileSystem is what takes care of handling the files and deleting them. why say microsoft. Microsoft doesnt have anything relating to deleting files except providing Functions and APIs that can allow anyone to do this. a FileSystem is what takes care of handling the files and deleting them.

Exactly my point. If the function worked correctly, the problem would not have happened. It would have been deleted. It is not a CCleaner bug, it is a microsoft bug.{ The post was in bug reporting}file management system:

Also referred to as simply a file system or filesystem. The system that an operating system or program uses to organize and keep track of files. For example, a hierarchical file system is one that uses directories to organize files into a tree structure.

Although the operating system provides its own file management system, you can buy separate file management systems. These systems interact smoothly with the operating system but provide more features, such as improved backup procedures and stricter file protection.

Exactly my point. If the function worked correctly, the problem would not have happened. It would have been deleted. It is not a CCleaner bug, it is a microsoft bug.{ The post was in bug reporting}file management system:

erm you do realize that there is nothing wrong with the function(s)? all it does is send the delete message to the file system. the file system returns a value that indicates whether it worked or not.

you also have to realize that files loaded into memory cannot be deleted unless they are terminated. This is not Microsoft's fault and it is not CCleaner's fault. this is the same principle with all Operating Systems so it is not limited to Microsoft.

also another thing the winapp entry for Ahead Nero Burning ROM is this.

[Ahead Nero Burning ROM]LangSecRef=3021Detect=HKCU\Software\ahead\Nero - Burning RomDefault=TrueRegKey1=HKCU\Software\ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Settings|BrowserDirRegKey2=HKCU\Software\ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Settings|ImageDirRegKey3=HKCU\Software\ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Settings|WorkingDirRegKey4=HKLM\Software\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Settings|ImageDirRegKey5=HKLM\Software\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Settings|BootImageDir

when the program is uninstalled, the uninstaller doesnt bother to delete the registry entry. why? cause it doesnt want to.

CCleaner currently does not have the ability to erase registry values from old programs. it only can fix errors in the registry as the checkboxes are labeled.

Where was the value returned to indicate the entries in the registry were not deleted? I doubt someone would look for the problem after having already been notified?

erm registry is diffrent. there is a diffrent API for deleting registry values and IIRC, registry values can always be deleted. but there are some programs such as Ad-Watch or TeaTimer that have registry modification detectors ;).

if the registry erasing API accually errored, then CCleaner would have crashed with a MsgBox saying an Error unless MrG put a "On Error Resume Next" Statement. if he did, then the error is skipped and CCleaner continues the cleaning. not saying he did though.

Are there any products on the market that will actually get all the pieces when a program is deleted, or is that wishful thinking? Sure would save a lot of trouble!

there never will be. i bet 20 bucks on that.

yes it is if you dont have any other software installed by Ahead

Ok all sorted now - thanks.