Can't Find Replacement for Video Card

The separate Video Card GeForce 7650GS gave up on me after running hot so long, I think was the problem. I noticed one day it was running a Temp of 197 F. Shortly after that, nothing. I unpluged the DVI cable and am not getting the one that is on most machines like mine, again I think! It shows a INTEL ®83945G Express Family on Speccy.

First thing I did was search for the 7650GS and I was surprised at the result. See Attachment.

I'm sure there is another card that will work but I don't know how to look for something that is right. Would appreciate some guidance here.

Gateway Vista Home Service PacK


Model GM5446E

Processor CoreTM 2CPU 6320 1.86 1.87 GHz

Memory (RAM) 2.00

32Bit System

The above may not be necessary but included for you information.

Another Post long ago I complained about not be able to use Windows Media Player and found out it was because of the bad Video Card. The VGA is sure downgrading from the DVI I had.

I have now found something that might help you to help me. See the other attachment.

I found the gateway page for the motherboard in your pc:

Your pc has a PCI Express x16 slot so just about any cheap card will work. Here is the cheapest NVIDIA one I could find:

I found the gateway page for the motherboard in your pc:

Your pc has a PCI Express x16 slot so just about any cheap card will work. Here is the cheapest NVIDIA one I could find:

After reading some of the reviews, I've decided that this is not the card for me. I don't mind paying for a medium sort of card, so price is not a final factor. This PC has been a good one and although it's 4-5 years old I'll keep is running for a while.

Will you suggest a couple more from New Egg that are somewhat better. The fact that this one doesn't have a cooling fan turns me away.

If you have time, would consider it a great favor if you could help me with this. I know nothing about hardware.


I'd personally avoid another NVIDIA card - speaking for myself only though. Their drivers/software is just too damned buggy in Windows, however outside of Windows in a Linux environment none of the graphical glitches are present.

If you don't mind switching over to ati instead of nvidia, this would be a pretty good card for you:

If you want to stick to NVIDIA this is the standard card for non gamers:

If you want to step up to something a bit faster but still relatively cheap, then grab one of these:



I'm an ATI Fan(they run cooler and like andavari said, they have better drivers). I would go with the 5570. (third link)

If you don't mind switching over to ati instead of nvidia, this would be a pretty good card for you:

If you want to stick to NVIDIA this is the standard card for non gamers:

If you want to step up to something a bit faster but still relatively cheap, then grab one of these:



I'm an ATI Fan(they run cooler and like andavari said, they have better drivers). I would go with the 5570. (third link)

To be honest I don't have the knowledge to determine what is better than the other. I assume two guys that have the posts and reputations you and Andavari have the best ideas. So I did go with the 5570, just ordered it.

Sure glad I found this Forum. Haven't got a bad recommendation yet. Thanks in advance,

First - I've had more people have issues with ATI drivers than NVIDIA ones. ATI has been better about power usage though on the mid to upper end of the cards.

The 5570 will be fine for basic tasks - just make sure you get rid of all NVIDIA drivers before installing the card.

I have an ATI Radeon HD 4200 with my new PC. Low to mid-range. Does the job. I don't do high-end gaming. (I can't stand the sight of blood. I mean I've seen blood before, just not "to go".)

I have an ATI Radeon HD 4200 with my new PC. Low to mid-range. Does the job. I don't do high-end gaming. (I can't stand the sight of blood. I mean I've seen blood before, just not "to go".)

I agree about the "blood stuff" and am not at all interested in those kind of games. 20 plus years in the military gave me all I wanted or more! I do like some games that are not so complicated. Had a Need For Speed and enjoyed that. Won't run on this machine for some reason. Will try the new card I ordered and see.

Everyone that replied to my post, thanks very much.

just make sure you get rid of all NVIDIA drivers before installing the card.

Driver Sweeper (freeware) can achieve this:

Driver Sweeper (freeware) can achieve this:

First, what would I do without you guys? I was trying figure out how to get rid of the NVIDIA drivers as the new Video card is due here Thursday. Then just out of the blue my answer appeared! I could not make this a sucess if not for you and others. Andavari, hope all things good happen to you today, Thanks.

I will post again when it's complete.

Edit 937 AM

First problem of the day. I have the paid edition of Avira, a German Company put this out I think. After trying to download, I get a window that indicates that the download is potentially a dangerous URL, maybe spyware, etc. It gives instructions how to download it anyway. Not the big surprise, it's in GERMAN and I don't understand a word. The link to the page is below. Maybe someone there on the Forum can help, maybe even you!

I've looked everywhere on a way to turn the AntiVirus off. Can't find anything. Went to Task Manager and try to stop it. Got a big "Not authoried Action" window.

Sorry to keep bothing you.

I sent a post few minutes ago about the Sweeper no long available but don't see it on the forum. Will send another. Hope it isn't a duplicate

Mudd, I'll send you a PM since I have a slightly older version which I've luckily kept with a download link if you want it. I didn't realize they discontinued it, it was a very useful bit of software.:o

Mudd, I'll send you a PM since I have a slightly older version which I've luckily kept with a download link if you want it. I didn't realize they discontinued it, it was a very useful bit of software.:o

I'll dance at your next Wedding (By Proxy of course) if you would sent it. I found on the Internet and tried Dirver Cleaner Pro. It found three NVIDIA entries and I chose to delete them. They were registry items. Took my board out, rebooted and they were still there. It's and over and over deal.

I had a hour or so yesterday so I went to the Registry and looked and deleted anything NVIDIA. Hope I didn't screw up as there were about 30 plus entries for NVIDIA. There were two that would not allow me to delete. The Fan on my board had broken off at the spindle. No wonder it was near 200 degree F when it crapped out.

If you have the time to do that would be very greatful. But if not I'm happy anyway. Went to a city about 85 miles from me to have a partial leg about fitted. Have one that lost a little in the military. Tried it out temporarily and fits great. SO, Nothing can disappoint me today.

You're a very helpful person Andavari for people like me that just don't have it and are to old to ever get it, information that is!!!!!!!

I had a hour or so yesterday so I went to the Registry and looked and deleted anything NVIDIA.

Actually that's probably not the best way of getting rid of it. The reason being is Windows itself has some default settings/files, etc., that have nothing to do with the drivers/software installation. For example trying to remove some of the drivers files which are included by default in Windows and it will only trigger System File Checker to replace the files - I don't however think it will do that with missing registry settings.

Actually that's probably not the best way of getting rid of it. The reason being is Windows itself has some default settings/files, etc., that have nothing to do with the drivers/software installation. For example trying to remove some of the drivers files which are included by default in Windows and it will only trigger System File Checker to replace the files - I don't however think it will do that with missing registry settings.

That's the nicest way of saying, "You really ****ed up this one." Well, it running just fine so far. Don't know what will happen when I put the new card in Friday. I have a good restore point from Saturday, day before I ------ it up. Think I restore that and keep trying to download on the of links you sent.

That's the nicest way of saying, "You really ****ed up this one."

Not really an f'up so to speak since before Driver Sweeper that's how I'd go about getting rid of drivers. It may not cause any issues as Windows will use its own generic driver before you install any official drivers from the graphics card maker. Too bad we have to install drivers for them at all!!!