Can't find deleted file


I've had Recuva installed for a while but this is the first time I have tried to use it. It updated to the latest version 1.46.919.

I have a friend who had deleted a load of PST files which I hope to sort out tonight. In the mean time, I thought I would test Recuva by deleting a PST file on my machine and then trying to recover it. Despite pointing Recuva to the folder it could find it either in normal mode or Advanced mode.

I tried moving it to the recycle bin and then permanently deleting it with no success. I have also tried with other files in other locations.

I don't want to waste my time gong over tonight until I know it works.

I have Win 7 on an NTFS formatted drive with the only abnormal being that the drive is a hybrid drive ie combined SSD and HDD.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.



You may need to enable the Deep Scan.

Edit, also see the online help:

A recently deleted file is suspect to having its "former resources" and "directory entries" re-used right away. It's right up front and in the spotlight of the OS. A file that has been sitting around and not updated or deleted a while ago may have slipped into background and may not have had it's resources reclaimed by the os, yet.

Kinda like the noisy kid upfront vs. quiet loner in back. There's a sweet spot or window where files are most likely to be recovered. And it isn't the ones done seconds ago, and it isn't the ones done years ago. So to speak.