Can't disable System Monitoring in CCleaner Pro 5.45

As the title say, after the last update, when I disable the System Monitoring the tray icon won't close (as usual), after rebooting the PC the tray icon is still there. When you open CCleaner, the System Monitoring check box is marked, turning off and rebooting the system don't work.

Fresh Windows 10 x64 Pro and fresh CCleaner install.

having the exact same issue

install of both Windows Pro 64bit and CCleaner are about 1 month old (discounting the recent update of course)

Exactly same issue. The only way to stop or close Ccleaner monitoring is killing the process!

I do not see any way to exit and close Ccleaner.

More over even if I set "off" the "activate monitoring" it comes again "on" when I open CC again!

I do NOT want Ccleaner monitoring!

Please correct this bug or me and others will uninstall Ccleaner!

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.191]

Ccleaner version 5.45.6611 (64 bit)

I decided to downgrade to version 5.44.6575

since that version has no problem in closing and stopping monitoring.

Neither is disabled in the free cleaner cleaner v5.45.6611 version, deactivated, and:

First: it does not turn off as a task at the start of the system.

Second: The task to close cleaner continues running in the background.

Third: When the cleaner is checked again, the check box of the previously deactivated monitoring will be set again.

Summing up that I return to the version Ccleaner Free v5.44.6575, which works as it should while they do not fix that problem that I run the cleaner alone even if I say no.

Greetings and fix in error.

Devs are aware that everyone is complaining about this issue (and other issues)

As yet they have not made any comment.

Glad I'm not alone here. Same problem, multiple machines.

This is very frustrating. I've had some success using task manager to kill ccleaner BEFORE I run the desktop manifestation, then going into the options to disable monitoring, and also going into tools/starting and deleting the line that starts ccleaner monitor at startup, but it seems to come back randomly. Somebody over at Piriform REALLY REALLY wants you to enable monitoring whether or not you like it...

39 minutes ago, distanor said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		This is very frustrating. I've had some success using task manager to kill ccleaner BEFORE I run the desktop manifestation, then going into the options to disable monitoring, and also going into tools/starting and deleting the line that starts ccleaner monitor at startup, but it seems to come back randomly. Somebody over at Piriform REALLY REALLY wants you to enable monitoring whether or not you like it...

The only way to get rid of this intrusion is downgrading to version 5.44.6575

Hopefully Piriform will correct this abuse.

The old versions of Ccleaner can also be downloaded from piriform.

If you download from piriform Ccleaner you will get:

Just change the final number for example for previous version you put:

And you already download the previous version.

You can download any version from the Ccleaner page just by changing the number and that’s it.

The numbers of the versions are here. (they are put without the point, for example 5.45 is 545 all together.) Would remain at the end: ccsetup + (number version) + .exe

Examples: ccsetup545.exe / ccsetup544.exe, or older ones such as ccsetup530.exe or much older such as ccsetup500.exe, try several numbers and all are downloaded without problems.

2 hours ago, gatocan2066 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		<span lang="en" xml:lang="en"><span>The old versions of Ccleaner can also be downloaded from piriform.</span>

If you download from piriform Ccleaner you will get:

Just change the final number for example for previous version you put:

And you already download the previous version.

You can download any version from the Ccleaner page just by changing the number and that’s it.

		<span lang="en" xml:lang="en"><span><a href="" rel="external nofollow"></a></span></span>


The numbers of the versions are here. (they are put without the point, for example 5.45 is 545 all together.) Would remain at the end: ccsetup + (number version) + .exe

Examples: ccsetup545.exe / ccsetup544.exe, or older ones such as ccsetup530.exe or much older such as ccsetup500.exe, try several numbers and all are downloaded without problems.

The only problem when running an older version is the annoying reminder pop up, it tells a newer version is available :-(

Well, I can confirm that, after several days and reboots without ccleaner monitoring popping up as the result of doing what I described previously, it suddenly, spontaneously popped up again this morning. In other words, that we can't disable this, um, "option" seems quite deliberate. CCleaner will check, too, to make sure monitor is running.

What a great way to burn through a lot of positive user capital. I hate it when companies do this sort of thing. Not only does it remind us that there's been a sudden shift to some kind of cash focus (oh, those shiny $$ signs!), but it sure looks like somebody wants to do something that most people wouldn't approve of if they knew. I mean, it just looks really creepy.

Same here. Every time I restart Windows the System Monitoring is on. Every time unchecking the option and confirmation about it. But doesn't work, tray icon keep on, unable to close it and... After restart Windows... Is like I haven't made nothing about this.

So... Piriform... Waiting a new version without this bug.

Man, allow me to add my, "I'm glad it's not just me" to the discussion.

For me, this same thing started happening to me with the update to version 5.45.6611 x64.

Just simply starting CCleaner puts the Active Monitoring icon down near the clock, and then it stays there even after closing CCleaner.

Active Monitoring is UNchecked in the program.

I notice also that, every time I start CCleaner, the Active Monitoring keeps getting reinstalled back into MSCONFIG Startup.

And as someone else stated, I too have to kill the process using Microsoft's "procexp64" just to get it to close.

Well, just knowing this is a legitimate issue experienced by others puts me at ease.

See here

Thanks Hazelnut.

Holy smokes. Like:

<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		After listening to your concerns, we have reviewed how this feature has been implemented and we agree that there are areas for improvement.

		Please bear with us while our product and development teams work on this. We will update you as soon as we can. In the meantime, to disable all monitoring, please close all CCleaner processes via the Task Manager.

Uh... no kidding! Why even ostensibly give us a choice when that choice doesn't actually work. That's the creepy "we'll slip it in the back door" part. Some people care about these things, others don't. The point is that choice is important. If I don't want information transmitted, I'd like that option to be respected, especially when I've been led to believe my choice WAS respected. The whole notion of anonymized data is pretty "loosey-goosey", anyway, so I'll decline transmitting anything, thanks.

I hope the above doesn't translate into "we'll do it anyway, just not in a way you'll notice". Sheesh...

Avast ruins everything it touches. $$$$$

You can turn off check for new version to stop the popup

bldrdrms, it seems that's what it'll have to be: roll back and disable update checking. It's too bad, I like Avast's antivirus software; it's what I use. This little "incident" gives me pause, however. I'm certainly going to be looking for an alternative to CCleaner now, just in case I have to part ways with it... That's not a definite, but it's on the radar now where it wasn't before.

Just delete from "Tools - Startup" "CCleaner active monitoring" entry, after u unchecked it from settings, no need to install previous version.