can't delete recovered files

Hi: I used Recuva on a media card. It showed multiple .jpg's recovered. They were all close to 1MB in size so I thought the recover worked. I created a folder on my desktop and selected all .jpg's and recovered them to that folder on my desktop, so I thought. Instead, they are all on my desktop, not in the folder. Two problems...

1. The files don't open. They were on a SD card, deleted by accident and not written to again. It was given to me a year later to recover the files. I was told it just sat until she found someone to recover them.

2. Since I can't open the files, I tried to delete them. They seem to delete successfully, they end up in the recycle bin, but next time I turn on my pc they are scattered on my desktop (and still in the recycle bin.) I deleted them again and deleted them from my recycle bin, and they still came back. I even created a recovery place after I deleted the files. I recovered to that time, but when I turned on the pc I got the pics back again.

What am I doing wrong?


Hi i have the following problem with the recuva, yesterday delete some files unwittingly, but today run recuva to recover and not i locate none bring you specify the place where it is assumed that Programme should find and be able to recover files recently deleted but not done

Forgive me for this reply in this post

help me please


How did you delete these files? If they went to the recycler then were deleted then Windows will have renamed them to something like, where xxx is the file type, so look for those. You could sort Recuva's output by size, or date or extension to help you find them. Do as little as possible on your pc before you find them, and if you do recover them to a flash drive.