When I try to delete some programs with " ccleaner ", it can't find the location. I must have manual deleted my self, so I wanted to just delete the entry so it would be gone. I try to delete the enter but it says " Cannot Delete MIS Installer ". So how do I get it off my list now?
Try Microsoft's own Windows Installer CleanUp Utility:
I tryed it.... still not gone
What are the programs you are trying to delete from the list?
programs that cannot find where the location of it contents is at is telling me it cannot uninstall... so i say delete the entry.
when I close the uninstaller it comes back when i use the windows uninstaller but with ccleaner it cannot delete the entry because it is a MSI installer
Reinstall the programs which you are having problems with. This should put the uninstallers back correctly.
Make sure you don't just press delete, that will not uninstall a program.
Either use add/remove programs or a program's own uninstaller.
What are the names of the programs?