Can't clean IE8 Temp Int Files

Now this is puzzling me.

I'm running XPHSP3 with IE8, one user as admin. I'm having a terrible job getting rid of some temp internet files in IE8 (which I rarely use).

CC lists these files and says it cleans them from C:\Documents and Settings\Me\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files, and when I run CC and then look at that folder it shows as empty. Yet when I go to IE8 Tools/Options/Browsing History/Settings/Show Files, all the files are still there. Where are the little devils hiding, and how can I splat them with CC?

You may have to close the folder view to get this effect, and I have a blank home page on my pc, so there's no fresh page loading taking place.

Oh I give up. Somehow I have managed (I think) to remove them with CC. I analysed Temp Int F, it showed 12 files to be deleted. I cleaned and it cleaned 114. They seem to have gone.

The peculiar thing was that when I ran CC before and they didn't go, they all had a last modified date/time of the CC runtime. So CC was doing something but they just wouldn't go. I wonder if I had some sort of lock on the folder as I either had it opened or I was lurking in the folder structure.

It is a slight problem. I'll try to reproduce it when I am bored later.

If you create another admin user and log on as that user (never been able to get explorer to work properly with 'run as') then you should be able to properly see the temp internet files folder structure for the original user. That might help in identifying the errant files and their true location ... which in turn might give you a bit more of a clue.