Can't add CCleanerEnhancer ?

Hope I'm trying to do the right thing here ? ...I'm getting this error when I try to add CCleaner Enhancer to my new CCleaner on my Win 7 Pro 64 bit PC:

CCleaner.jpg shows error message when trying to install CCleanerEnhancer.exe

CCleaner is installed and seems to be running OK ?

Any ideas ?

ccsetup300.exe (installed and system restarted and used/ran)

CCleanerEnhancer.exe (gives above jpg error attached)


post-40776-053952100 1288474308_thumb.jpg

I guess this is because CCleaner Enhancer wasn't updated to detect the 64-bit version of CCleaner.

Since it is not an official Piriform product, you'll have to ask its author to update it. :)

Since it's not an officially supported Piriform product I have no choice but to close this topic.