cannot update ccleaner

I have a desktop PC and 2 laptops, all running Windows 7, but no matter what I do on any of them, I cannot update ccleaner. . This has been happening for weeks now. I have even tried a direct download from Piriform but that didn't work either. Can anyone help me please ?

Thanks, Waljen.

What antivirus do you use?

Have you tried updating using the slim version found here?

Same problem as above. Update dialog box runs download, then nothing happens.

Three W7 Pro SP-1 machines, currently running different version numbers of CCleaner Pro (installed from disk, registered).

All machines are trying to install version 5.10.5373, as you can see in the attached images.

Disabled antivirus and firewall, no help there...




When you click yes does it close ccleaner?

I notice all three of your images show drastically out of date old versions. Could you attempt to manually install 5.9 (from file hippo, your pro subscription should stick there) and then update?

Nergal, thanks for that quick response.

When I clicked "Yes", it appeared to download only.

That old 4.05 version is what I get when I install from (the ISO of) the disk I purchased, I had just reinstalled W7 and reinstalled CCleaner.

I uninstalled and followed your suggestion, that worked fine.

Then I uninstalled, downloaded and installed the lastest version on another machine, upgraded to pro...all's well.

Thank again!

(I've been holding that ISO for some time now...)

(I've been holding that ISO for some time now...)

Hang it in a tree in the garden for unusual decorative purposes :)

ccleaner comes with a w7 iso? M$ would not pack it with the os. Would this be allowed by piriform?

ccleaner comes with a w7 iso? M$ would not pack it with the os. Would this be allowed by piriform?

I believe that some OEM may have provided it, but it's more likely an ISO made by the member or otherwise separate from the install of windows, but it's irrelevant to the subject, so let's stear it back.

Were any of the other's who were experiencing this issue trying to "jump versions" (update from >5.9 )

but it's irrelevant to the subject

I think its reasonable to query if its a legit copy of windows.

I think its reasonable to query if its a legit copy of windows.

Unlikely to have any effect or be the reason for this, as multiple members are reporting and I doubt it that they all (if any) are running illegitimate copies. And discussion that one or more is would just continue to derail us, so let's keep it to the issue, k thx.

Just a thought perhaps he means this..