Tried everything suggested. Latest update still won't install. Get the same error message 3/4 of the way through installation giving me the options to abort, retry, and ignore. Getting frustrated. Oh, it's the freeware that I'm trying to update. Thanks.
You'll have to be a little more specific than 3/4 finished, what is the exact message given with the retry button? If it's can't overwrite ccleaner64.exe there's an easy way to fix. But we can't help without knowing for sure.
1 hour ago, Deb3 said:
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Latest update still won't install. Get the same error message 3/4 of the way through installation giving me the options to abort, retry, and ignore
Sorry about not being too specific. Anyway, doesn't download at all on FileHippo. On the Piriform site, it downloads, I click on the little box in the lower left corner of my screen to open the exe file, the Install box comes up, gets 1/2 through, and then this comes up:
Error opening file for writing:
C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe
Click Abort to stop installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file
Been trying for many weeks, all sorts of ways, even stood on my head...didn't help. It's Windows 10; tried AOL, Chrome, & IE. Even tried Slim Build. Should I just uninstall and reinstall the whole thing?? Thanks for trying to help.
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
Sorry about not being too specific. Anyway, doesn't download at all on FileHippo. On the Piriform site, it downloads, I click on the little box in the lower left corner of my screen to open the exe file, the Install box comes up, gets 1/2 through, and then this comes up:
Error opening file for writing:
C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe
Click Abort to stop installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file
Been trying for many weeks, all sorts of ways, even stood on my head...didn't help. It's Windows 10; tried AOL, Chrome, & IE. Even tried Slim Build. Should I just uninstall and reinstall the whole thing?? Thanks for trying to help.
Ok, first make sure ccleaner isn't running including monitoring in the system tray. If it's not running go to the folder C:\Program Files\CCleaner and delete ccleaner64.exe. If it won't delete then ccleaner is still running, check task manager(in details mode) you should find it running there.
I'm having trouble installing 5.50 ccleaner on my computer. I get the same message:
Error opening file for writing:
C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe
Click Abort to stop installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file
I saw ccleaner isn't in system tray, couldn't delete ccleaner64.exe even when trying shred file using advanced systemcare-no luck, but I do see it running in task manager in details. Sooo do I just end task and then install the new version? Or what do I do? Because this has never happened to me before. Sooo what do I do?
:3 THanks so much Nergal. I was able to install the newest version. Ha simple fix and no issue. Just end task, it vanishes and then bam! You update to new version. Plain and simple like that.
And here I thought I did something wrong, but it must of been something with the .exe or something in it's program or code. Good to see I got it all fixed up now and updated just fine.
Thanks again-it's the first time being on this forum when I was trying to figure out why my ccleaner didn't update. THanks again for the help.
They're owned by an antivirus company though, and antivirus is notorious for having to kill/stop running processes for proper upgrading when not wanting to necessarily force a system restart.
Although with people still having install issues there's always the portable build, never fails to just manually unzip it and use it.