I installed CCleaner yesterday and ran it once. Turned computer off last night. Turned computer on this morning. Recycle Bin still has old deleted items from different programs: Photoshop, iTunes, Word, etc. Ran CCleaner again with only Recycle Bin checked...still won't empty it.
Also, I cannot manually empty the recycle bin anymore. Is that normal...must I always run CCleaner to empty the recycle bin?
What operating system are you using zephyr?
Do you get any error message at all?
Have you tried manually emptying the recycle bin in safe mode?
Just try to send another file to the Recycle Bin, then empty it manually.
Most of the times this is enough to fix the (Windows) issue...
What operating system are you using zephyr?
Do you get any error message at all?
Have you tried manually emptying the recycle bin in safe mode?
I am using Windows XP
Yes, the error message says "Cannot delete these items because it is being used by another person or program"
I am not on a network, so noone else is involved. I have tried emptying it when all other programs are closed and it still will not work.
I've never used "safe mode" before, so not sure how to try that.
Thank you
Just try to send another file to the Recycle Bin, then empty it manually.
Most of the times this is enough to fix the (Windows) issue...
Thanks for the suggestion. I've been adding to the recycle bin thru the day...still cannot empty it.
Have you had a try in safe mode yet?
Also try to empty it after signing in as a different user.
Windows 2000 / XP users
Tip: If you are running Safe Mode because you cannot get into Windows you may want to first try loading the last known good configuration. Additional information about this mode can be found on document CH000626.
To get into the Windows 2000 / XP Safe mode, as the computer is booting press and hold your "F8 Key" which should bring up the "Windows Advanced Options Menu" as shown below. Use your arrow keys to move to "Safe Mode" and press your Enter key.
Note: With some computers if you press and hold a key as the computer is booting you will get a stuck key message. If this occurs, instead of pressing and holding the "F8 key", tap the "F8 key" continuously until you get the startup menu.
Maybe this should be a "Sticky"?
Your problem could be a corrupt folder. If there's nothing in the Recycle Bin you want, then you could go to Start\My Computer\C:
Enable "Show Hidden Files And Folders" by selecting "Tools\Folder Options\View, and click on "Show Hidden Files And Folders". And uncheck "Hide Protected Operating System Files". You should now be able to see the "Recycler" folder.
Select "Recycler", and delete it by using "Shift\Delete". Do that because you don't want to send it to the Recycle Bin, which you're busy trying to delete. It'll get into a loop of forever disappearing up it's own recycled jacksy.
Reboot, and Windows will create a new Recycler, which may solve your problems.