I need to restore some of the files from the last time I ran CCleaner. I thought this thing was safe to use!?!?!?!
You can't restore files with CCleaner, only registry entries. And CCleaner doesn't remove any necessary files, so if you computer is acting goofy due to deleted files, CCleaner is not the culprit.
Do you remember what registry keys you deleted? Did they have anything to do with Windows Media Player?
I would suggest downloading and reinstalling WMP. You can download version 10 here. But once again, I highly doubt CCleaner was the culprit, as I have used numerous versions of it, and never had any problems with it conflicting with other apps, including WMP.
Download it and hit the green arrow. Then hit go. Let me know if that solves your problem.(make sure all other programs are closed while running it.)
Something funky is happening? Now IE is acting-up. I have been getting an ?error on page? message trying to view topics at Windows Newsgroups, and when I try to download DIAL A FIX I get: ?The page cannot be displayed?
Something funky is happening? Now IE is acting-up. I have been getting an ?error on page? message trying to view topics at Windows Newsgroups, and when I try to download DIAL A FIX I get: ?The page cannot be displayed?
I was wondering if you could confirm a suspicion of mine. I've noticed when downloading things from Microsoft that if I 'run' instead of 'save - run' that the downloads sometimes go to the Temp folder. If a download ends up in a Temp folder would that cause problems like the one in this thread? CCleaner does clean up temp folders (right?)?
If a file is in use (for example, if the file is an installer and you are using it), I don't believe CCleaner will touch it. I know that Windows won't let you delete files that are in use, such as a song that is playing, or a picture that is being edited, and I think CCleaner runs under the same rules.
Plus, CCleaner will only clean out the Temp folder if you tell it to, and hopefully you aren't running CCleaner while you are installing an application!
Why do I get an error message when I try to restore the registry backup that CCleaner created? Regardless of what caused the problem, I first detected it shortly after running CCleaner. If I am to troubleshoot properly, I need to undo CCleaner's changes to the registry. Presently this is not possible.
If a file is in use (for example, if the file is an installer and you are using it), I don't believe CCleaner will touch it. I know that Windows won't let you delete files that are in use, such as a song that is playing, or a picture that is being edited, and I think CCleaner runs under the same rules.
Plus, CCleaner will only clean out the Temp folder if you tell it to, and hopefully you aren't running CCleaner while you are installing an application!
A reason why merging a .reg file can fail is if the shell extension 'Merge' is broken and missing parameters.
Instead try to import the CCleaner .reg backup using the main Regedit GUI:
1. Start, run, type in regedit.exe
2. Click File->Import, browse the the .reg backup.
If this doesn't work you'll have to log onto your system as the System Administrator. If it still doesn't work try it as the System Administrator in Safe Mode, as you may have some sort of security software blocking the importing of .reg files.
Ok djlizard said that dial a fix does register both of those dlls. Turn off all security programs you have running(AV, spyware, ect) and make sure that your loged in as an admin. Then hit the green check mark and then go and see if it will work.(reboot after running it)
Ok djlizard said that dial a fix does register both of those dlls. Turn off all security programs you have running(AV, spyware, ect) and make sure that your loged in as an admin. Then hit the green check mark and then go and see if it will work.(reboot after running it)
I still get the same error message:
?There was an error while registering the object C:\WINDOWS\system32\muweb.dll (with flag(s): ?/?).?
Also, I cannot use Regedit to import the file. I get the following error message:
?Cannot import C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\regbkup.reg: Not all data was successfully written to the registry. Some keys are open by the system or other processes.?