Can not open CCLEANER

Hello, i can not open the newest ccleaner on my pc. its windows 8.1 . Even portable version does not start on double click. I have tried to open it as admin too

What is your security software?

Eset nod 32, also i have just downloaded anti malware from malwarebytes.

Have you tried the slim version from here?

it isnt working too.

Eset has a record of blocking ccleaner (perhaps due to the dangers it presents when the registry is cleaned.

Try to whitelist ccleaner in eset

You say you cannot open ccleaner.

But are you able to install it ?

In other words do you mean you can install ccleaner but after you install it it won't open?

perhaps help this similar thread?

yes i am able to install it. I dont see something like debugger system process but i found keys in registry that looked like something which blocks ccleaner regedit etc. I deleted it and disabled nod but ccleaner stiil does not open on double click

I used to be a proggrammer :) so that case with debuger system process is not closed but i just cant find that process, maybe its name is translated to my language but still cant find it

changing file name helped

...are you going to give us a bit more info :)

yes sorry :) I changed the name of exe file from ccleaner by adding a random latter. After that the program has opened. I used it to clean the registry where I found huge mess. Now ccleaner opens even with the old (default) exe name. Summing up. I have had a mess in my registry which blocked ccleaner to open properly.;

Glad it is all sorted for you now Pytoo :)

created account just to post the same issue but there we go, changing the name fixed it for me as well BUT even after fixing registry errors i cannot use the original name...

maybe Piriform can add new rule to registry cleaner to handle something like this

created account just to post the same issue but there we go, changing the name fixed it for me as well BUT even after fixing registry errors i cannot use the original name...

I confirm this. I had the exact same problem and I cannot revert to the default name of the .exe files.

How should we fix this?