Can I delete old saved registrydata?

when I use CCleaner first it backup regisyry.

Can I delete old regisyry that saved past day?

I'm not good at Engish (I'm japanase) so

please reply me easy english.

Thank You.


Thank You.


Hello buaxg107,

Welcome to the Forums !!! :D

The Registry changes backups are not very big. You may want to keep them until you are certain that you do not need them. This may take a week of use or longer. I keep mine for 2 weeks at least. The information in them can help you to figure out what may be wrong if you have a problem.

Always be sure to check for more issues until all are resolved. Some new users forget to do this.

These links may help you.

CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites

New members Advice for CCleaner

Start here with this link and follow its advice.

Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.

Best wishes,

:) davey

Thank You very much


The majority of your advice was able to be understood

(by Translation support site).

My best regards in the future.