Can Defraggler Recover Fragmented Space?

Am new to Defraggler and not very tech savvy. Have wandered around in the forum looking for info on what to do with fragmented files and trying to figure out if any HD space can be recovered after running Defraggler. I downloaded Defraggler 2 days ago and ran it. Seemed to be no problems. Took about 7 hours. Results tell me I have 1600+ fragmented files amounting to over 37GB of space. I'm not sure what that means to me. I run Windows XP on a 4-year old Toshiba laptop, 1GB of RAM, 80GB hard drive. I only have just over 6GB of free space on the HD and am wondering if some of the 37GB of fragmented stuff is recoverable. Any help? And if this is a not very bright question, just let me know and I'll crawl back under my rock. Thnx. Fighterjock

Are the 1600+ fragmented files showing up a red blocks? If so, you might click on one of them and the 'Highlighted' tab will open, it lists all the files that are in that block. You can select some or all of them and click the 'Defrag Checked' button. That should defrag them but might leave empty spaces.

You should also run an analysis, then look at the blocks. You might notice some of them are darker than others. The darker they are the more data is in that block; the lighter they are the more free space. If you have a lot with free space, it probably wouldn't hurt to run a Defrag Freespace: Action>Advanced>Defrag Freespace (allow fragmentation). This will reclaim all your free space. Then you can run a standard defrag and you should have a lot better results than the first time, emphasis on should. :)

Am new to Defraggler and not very tech savvy. Have wandered around in the forum looking for info on what to do with fragmented files and trying to figure out if any HD space can be recovered after running Defraggler. I downloaded Defraggler 2 days ago and ran it. Seemed to be no problems. Took about 7 hours. Results tell me I have 1600+ fragmented files amounting to over 37GB of space. I'm not sure what that means to me. I run Windows XP on a 4-year old Toshiba laptop, 1GB of RAM, 80GB hard drive. I only have just over 6GB of free space on the HD and am wondering if some of the 37GB of fragmented stuff is recoverable. Any help? And if this is a not very bright question, just let me know and I'll crawl back under my rock. Thnx. Fighterjock

To do the best defrag & recover the most free space do this:

- CClean all user accounts to remove trash from all the users on your PC

- Right click my computer/properties & disable system restore/OK. This can free several GB sometimes.

- Reboot & hit f8 key every second or so, till the option to boot into Safe Mode appears, then enter Safe Mode

- Run defraggler, then re-enable sys restore & reboot!

*Running in safe mode runs with minimal processes loaded, so files that are normally locked can be moved. This does not unlock all files, but it helps!

Are the 1600+ fragmented files showing up a red blocks? If so, you might click on one of them and the 'Highlighted' tab will open, it lists all the files that are in that block. You can select some or all of them and click the 'Defrag Checked' button. That should defrag them but might leave empty spaces.

You should also run an analysis, then look at the blocks. You might notice some of them are darker than others. The darker they are the more data is in that block; the lighter they are the more free space. If you have a lot with free space, it probably wouldn't hurt to run a Defrag Freespace: Action>Advanced>Defrag Freespace (allow fragmentation). This will reclaim all your free space. Then you can run a standard defrag and you should have a lot better results than the first time, emphasis on should. :)

Thnx norel. I tried some your remommendations plus deleted quite a bit of junk from my HD....increased my free space from 6GB to over 23GB. Thnx again. Fighterjock.

To do the best defrag & recover the most free space do this:

- CClean all user accounts to remove trash from all the users on your PC

- Right click my computer/properties & disable system restore/OK. This can free several GB sometimes.

- Reboot & hit f8 key every second or so, till the option to boot into Safe Mode appears, then enter Safe Mode

- Run defraggler, then re-enable sys restore & reboot!

*Running in safe mode runs with minimal processes loaded, so files that are normally locked can be moved. This does not unlock all files, but it helps!

Thnx Mr Don. I tried some of your remommendations plus deleted quite a bit of junk from my HD....increased my free space from 6GB to over 23GB. Thnx again. Fighterjock.