May be I do have not fully understand the instructions. I am Spaniard. The App, since the last three months, changes the resolution of my Screen (and the coulor), as it was a miracle. Wen the Program has finished, returns to his usual resolution, as it was not happens absolutely nothing.
If some one knows the reason, I would like to know his opinion.
¿Estás diciendo que la resolución de pantalla y los colores cambian al abrir CCleaner y luego vuelve a su configuración habitual después de salir de CCleaner?
Ayudaría si usted nos dijo que el sistema operativo (XP, Vista, 7) y la versión de CCleaner que está utilizando.
Are you saying that your screen resolution and colors change when you open CCleaner and then revert back to your usual settings after exiting CCleaner?
It would help if you told us your Operating System (XP, Vista, 7) and the CCleaner version you are using.