While I'm playing Call of Duty 2 it will randomly freeze, and because it's multiplayer Activision won't help. Has anyone here had the same problem.. or does anyone know a solution?
EDIT: This might be in the wrong forum (I just noticed it might).. sorry.
Have you tried posting in any COD2 forums?
Maybe that card you traded for was a dud?
Could you test that card back in the other guys PC, or any another PC?
Else it could be faulty...
I forgot to mention, it only happens while playing Call of Duty 2 ![:(]()
All you can really do is make sure you have the newest driver and adjust the game settings to something that works.
Yup, I have all that done. Well if my own step brother gave me a faulty card.. I'll probably take my card back and push his computer off the desk. In the mean time, I'll be looking for a solution. ![:D]()
Try a Call of Duty 2 Forum, they may know the answer sooner than we could.
also make sure you have the latest Game Patches remember to install them in the right order.
The Below Boards came from a quick Google search all have COD2 sections and most are alive:
GameSpot: Call of Duty 2
Call Of Duty 2 Boards
Forum Planet: Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 2 UK Forum
Filefront: Call of Duty2
Oh, download them in order.. that could be a reason. ![;)]()
Also, I'll check out those boards. Thanks man ![:)]()
No, not download them in order, install them in order.
Your welcome.
It might be helpful to future surfers, if you post what fixed it....
Ah yes.. went into the BIOS and changed my AGP setting from 8x, to 4x.. and the problem was solved.