I guess you have to hand it to someone who has spent the last 7 years researching ways of bypassing the wait due to ''please press1'' call center phone menus ![:)]()
A user of the site calls it “the biggest breakthrough this side of the Enigma machine".
I do bypasses for the numbers I have to use all the time, so much time is wasted just listening to the boring automated person talking about press "1" to get here, press "9" to get there, etc. So many of them here in the U.S. can be bypassed by pressing "0", but not all of them.
I save about 3 minutes each time I have to order refills of my prescription medication.
I save about 3 minutes each time I have to order refills of my prescription medication.
In Lancashire, England, I save an hour by using the computer.
It takes less than 5 seconds total to :-
Switch from "Inbox" to "Drafts";
Click on the draft email for all my medications,
and make a duplicate copy of the draft.
Then however long it takes to delete from the duplicate the medications I still have in hand,
and SEND to my local pharmacy.
This is so much better than trying to use phonetic spelling of long prescription drug names to a half deaf doctor's receptionist.
The pharmacy fax all requests to each patient's doctor,
and when the doctor has signed the script the pharmacy collects the script, supplies the medicine, and delivers to my door.
I save at least another 59 minutes by not driving to the doctor to collect the script,
and taking the script to the pharmacy,
and waiting the prescribed 10 minutes whilst they huddle in the back room.
. . .a half deaf doctor's receptionist. . . .
That sounds dangerous . . . you say Zocor, they hear Zoloft . . . ![:P]()
That sounds dangerous . . . you say Zocor, they hear Zoloft . . . ![:P]()
They mess up even if they can hear, and see, etc. Partly due to I suspect places being so understaffed and swamped most of the time, and it doesn't help with so many strangely named medications.
Yes, I agree some of the call centers are by passes.