c:windows\system32\mshtml.hlp file

I have posted problems here on two other occassions and got immediate responses that made my computer well. Now going for a third:

I suspect this topic has been discussed in this forum before; however, I have not been able to find it. Furthermore, I don't know if this problem is caused by CCleaner, SP3 or At&T internet Security Suite since I installed them all at about the same time.

In any event when I try to save a picture I sometimes get a pop up that says, "Cannot find c:windows\system32\mshtml.hlp file."

My research shows that there is no such file. While others have had this problem I have not heard of a solution. I have gone through all the registry backups I saved since using CCleaner and can find nothing that resembles such a file.

Sometimes when I try to save a file as JPG, I have only a BMP option. (I know this is the only option on some sites), I go ahead and save it as a BMP, only to discover that it was saved as a JPG. Other times I have no problems saving that same photo as a JPG right from the start.

Something funny is going on and if anyone has a solution I would greatly apprecieate it.

Best reagards,

As you've correctly discovered yourself, there doesn't appear to be any such file.

From the searching around I've done, it appears to be a weird bug, and a very common problem, which Microsoft admit to, but can't provide a solution for. It apparently pops up a lot with Outlook Express.

There's a possible solution or "workaround", way down the page on the link below.

The posts don't have numbers, so I can't find a way to link you to the post I mean, but I can give you a quote from it:

In my attempts to find a workaround, I believe I have one for you. Right-click the embedded image as you normally would, but instead of choosing Save as..., choose Copy. Then open MS Paint, go to the Edit menu and select Paste. That should paste the image into Paint, and then you can save it. (You could probably use any photo program, I just tried it with Paint).

Touch?! Paint works perfectly


If you haven't already found this info yourself, it could be worth reading the whole page.

I hope this helps until a better solution is available.

Thanks DennisD. I read that during my research and it works for sure. Since I never had this problem before installing SP3, I assume that it the culprit.

Best regards,

Your welcome Maverick.

Keep looking in as there's a lot happening with SP3. You never know what might pop up that would help you resolve your problem.

Hi, I have another workaround for you. To save the image, open a new Outlook Express

email form. Highlight the image you want to save and drag it to the new message body. Then email it to yourself. (I email it to myself at Yahoo. ) Outlook Express automatically converts it to an attachment and you can also see it in Yahoo mail when you open the email. Just right click and "save as" or just download the attachment. I've been having problems saving the worldstart.com calendar wallpaper, and when I save the attachment, then open the file, it is full size.

Hope this helps.

I have posted problems here on two other occassions and got immediate responses that made my computer well. Now going for a third:

I suspect this topic has been discussed in this forum before; however, I have not been able to find it. Furthermore, I don't know if this problem is caused by CCleaner, SP3 or At&T internet Security Suite since I installed them all at about the same time.

In any event when I try to save a picture I sometimes get a pop up that says, "Cannot find c:windows\system32\mshtml.hlp file."

My research shows that there is no such file. While others have had this problem I have not heard of a solution. I have gone through all the registry backups I saved since using CCleaner and can find nothing that resembles such a file.

Sometimes when I try to save a file as JPG, I have only a BMP option. (I know this is the only option on some sites), I go ahead and save it as a BMP, only to discover that it was saved as a JPG. Other times I have no problems saving that same photo as a JPG right from the start.

Something funny is going on and if anyone has a solution I would greatly apprecieate it.

Best reagards,

Hi Gizmo, thanks for taking the trouble to post this. I'm sure it will be appreciated.