C Cleaner and FaceBook

Every time I run ccleaner I have to re-join Facebook by re-entering username and password. How can I adjust ccleaner to stop having to do this? Somebody must know!

You need to move Facebook's cookies into the Cookies to Keep side of CCleaner, do this by going into CCleaner's:

Options > Cookies

Also see the official documentation about it:


Thanks for reply.

I have moved 'FaceBook.com' to thee 'keep' list but it makes no difference.

I have run 'intelligent scan' but it makes no difference.

Can you advise me of the cookie I'm looking for please.


Check for a www.facebook.com cookie as well as the normal facebook.com one (however I've known facebook to, sometimes (on a user to user basis)dump signed in browsers if one also uses an app (phone/tablet/metro)