Bypassing security

ccleaner . when updating, seems to bypass Zone Alarm and go straight to it's site.

How is this possible. I've deleted cookies, but it still tells me the status of ccleaner on this computer. The name is not even in Zone Alarm Program Control List. Others like Lavasoft and spy bot etc , seek permission.

Internet Explorer and microsoft are automatically set, but even they had to ask for permission in the first place. ????

Can anyone enlighten.

Perhaps it's just sending the site URL straight into your default browser, but more importantly your default browser is already configured and has permission in the firewall settings to access the Internet, therefore CCleaner doesn't get added into the list of programs with Internet access.

Perhaps it's just sending the site URL straight into your default browser, but more importantly your default browser is already configured and has permission in the firewall settings to access the Internet, therefore CCleaner doesn't get added into the list of programs with Internet access.


Thank you And., understand that, but it still doesn't explain why Zone Alarm didn't pick up on the transfer of info from my comp to ccleaner.

If I clear cookies, how does ccleaner know who I am and whether I have the latest update???

Perhaps a Zone alarm problem!!

Thank you And., understand that, but it still doesn't explain why Zone Alarm didn't pick up on the transfer of info from my comp to ccleaner.

If I clear cookies, how does ccleaner know who I am and whether I have the latest update???


I don't use the update check however with some/many programs the server/site compares you're installed version to the version currently available. Some programs actually download a very small .txt file with version information into the Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files folder for the checking.

You could change your setting in ZA to "ASK" for your default web browser to see if it would pick it up then and prompt you about it. Other than that I don't know -- however I don't think it's a ZA problem since you've already got your browser as a trusted application with Internet access.

ZoneAlarm isnt going to intercept something launching your browser, if it has trusted access. Notice the link it launches?

(Emphasis added, notice the bold number?)

See how it has your version number in the link? The server just blindly reads that link and says "you need an update" if it finds anything other than the latest version.

If you made it read " ", it would tell you that you need an update. In fact, if you made it read anything other than the latest version, you get the upgrade message.

No personal information is being transmitted, and this isnt a security issue.