tl;dr Where can I find large sums of HTML / CSS / ect help
Hopefully this site will be of some use:
There you can learn the languages you need. If you are making a simple website for personal use then you may want to try a host which offers website building tools which make it very easy to build a site with little to no language experience needed. But to make a business (professional) website I strongly recommend learning the languages and building one yourself. Different people will tell you different things, but there are plenty of guides on the web too.
I've used KompoZer in the past. While it's not as feature filled as something like dreamweaver it can be of assistance to you as long as you know at least some of the basics. Lightweight and more HTML oriented compared to basic source editors.
Does anyone know where I could find information on this? My friend and I are thinking of starting a webcomic, and my grasp of building a webpage is very limited to more styling and such than actually building one.
tl;dr Where can I find large sums of HTML / CSS / ect help
go to
Useful book for beginner
You can also look at designs from Open Source Web Design and download any of the free designs and take a look at how they work.
You can also look at designs from Open Source Web Design and download any of the free designs and take a look at how they work.
Nice link AJ; thanks.