
When i clear Google Cromes Cache for some reason Gmail and Youtube wont work properly. Its kinda like viewing it in Basic view when your not really. Theres a easy fix to it just by clearing Browsing History and Cache in Crome itself. But i would like this too be fixed in the APP itself.

I installed Office 2010 Trial, and then uninstalled it as i was about to install Office 2007 Full Version. CCleaner still for some reason kept Office 2010 in its list, i have searched my Hole Computer for any Office 2010 Files but there are none, and i have re installed CCleaner but this doesn't work. And CCleaner is UP TO Date.

So Please Fix these bugs.

Did you use the official Office 2010 un-install program ? If so, then the un-install program did a lousy job. CC thinks that Office 2010 is still on your computer because one line/entry from the registry wasn't removed. Perhaps using the CC registry cleaner will remove that entry. Otherwise you'll have to use a registry cleaner that's does a more thorough job.

If you know how to use a registry editor then you can manually remove that entry from the registry.

1. Make a backup of the registry !!!

2. Remove the registry key ""HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common"" and all its subkeys.