Bug with a compressed files in NTFS


First, I'm sorry for my bad english.

I have a problem with a Defraggler v2.14.706. One of my partitions formatted in NTFS, and compression is enabled. On this partition is installed a several games from Steam, and after every defragmentation some of them became malfunctional. Steam check game cache and found some defected files, and redownload them. Moreover, the Chkdsk found and recover hundreds of files on run after every defragmentation by Defraggler.

My HDD SMART is ok, and Defraggler works correctly on other partitions, that contains files without compression.

Thank you if bug will be fixed.

Could the problem be conflict from Steam thinking that D.F. is interfering/cheating its monitored games ?

No, not only steam-games getting damage after defrag.

Just a guess/theory but could that partition be faulty, bad sectors or such, and DF is restructuring files onto those dodgy parts.

Theory could be proved if those files on that partition could be moved elsewhere, then run DF on that 'new' partition.

Old partition could then be low-level formatted to lock off any problems found during format.

I advise strongly against NTFS compression. I/O operations become slower and you get a lot of fragmentation. You can NTFS compress static data such as applications (Program files), but anything else (specially files that are modified/written frequently) is not advisable.

Also, it's seems to be common lore that when disk issues arise, recovery options are slimmer when NTFS compression is used.