[BUG] Wipe Free Space: Hangs at 100%

OS: WinXP Pro SP3 (32-bit)

Dear CCleaner,

Version 2.18 seems to have a bug. My 160GB internal HD is partitioned by 40GB and 120GB. When I check Wipe Free Space for both partitions, CCleaner cannot seem to finish the job. It "hangs" at 100% - the animation keeps on circling around.

Guys, even at v2.19, this problem hasn't been fixed. The Wipe Free Space feature has issues:

Case 1: When I wipe C:\ (system disk) alone, it completes the task.

Case 2: When I wipe C:\ along with other partitions/external storage devices, it hangs at 100% and won't jump to the next partition.

Case 3: When I wipe D:\ (non-system disk) alone , it hangs at 100.

Case 4: When I wipe D:\ along with other partitions/external storage devices, it hangs at 100% and won't jump to the next partition.

So basically, it only works when wiping the system disk. I really hope Piriform addresses this issue in the future versions.