I'm not sure whether or not this is a bug or if Ccleaner is working the way it's supposed to. If it's the latter, then I had a suggestion for a new feature to make the existing process manageable. Rather than duplicate the entire description of what's going on, I'll just refer people to this thread: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=31591&st=0&do=findComment&comment=188177. It would probably be a good idea to keep the conversation restricted to the one thread as well.
? Then why did you post this thread
anyway. yes it's a known bug (if you search for ghost cookies you'll find alot of information) the developers have made some headway into this, but it is obviously still happening.
As you already have a topic on this I'm closing this one
EDIT: composermike has found that this is not the ghost cookies issue but an issue with Google Chrome.
Examining the detailed results of the "files to delete" suggests that the IE cookies were being removed from the list but Chrome cookies were not. So, problem solved. Thanks for the help.