Hi everyone,
I need some time to figure out, why me Sophos Endpoint Security and Control version 9.5 failed to start after some time with an error which does not give really a hint to the problem.
Involved software
Operating System: Windows 7 Enterprise 64Bit
Sophos Endpoint Security and Control version 9.5
CCleaner v3.05.1409
Searching the registry for errors, CCleaner lists the following RegKey:
ActiveX/COM Fehler LocalServer32\C:\PROGRA~1\Sophos\SOPHOS~1\SAVSER~1.EXE HKCR\CLSID\{D2B7A809-15DC-40B4-A1E1-C61EA97191DB}
Removing that key leads to the problem, that Sophos Endpoint Security and Control version 9.5
cannot be started again. The error message is (in German):
Sie sind kein Mitglied einer Sophos-Gruppe. Um diese Anwendung
starten zu k?nnen, m?ssen Sie ein Mitglied der Gruppe SophosAdministrator,
SophosPowerUser oder SophosUser sein. Wenden Sie sich an den Administrator.
The error mesage is definitely wrong, because the user is still a member of
the group SophosAdministrator as it is done from Sophos Setup.
Never the less looking into the Eventviewer from windows I finally
found a hint to the problem (in German):
Durch die Berechtigungseinstellungen (Computerstandard) wird der SID (S-1-5-19)
f?r Benutzer NT-AUTORIT?T\LOKALER DIENST von Adresse LocalHost (unter Verwendung von LRPC)
keine Berechtigung zum Aktivierung (Lokal) f?r die COM-Serveranwendung
Nicht verf?gbar
gew?hrt. Die Sicherheitsberechtigung kann mit dem Verwaltungsprogramm f?r Komponentendienste ge?ndert werden.
This error occurs every minute and points to the RegKey {D2B7A809-15DC-40B4-A1E1-C61EA97191DB}
which is part of Sophos.
To get Sophos running again I had to uninstall it from the system, make a restart
and after that a new installation. Simply running the Installer over an existing installation
did _not_ fix the problem for me!
A temporary work around is to make an exception for this key in CCleaner, so that it is not removed.
A better solution would be to fix that in next version of CCleaner.
Hopefully this is helpful for other users, too.
Kind regards