CCleaner 4.16 has a bug. System temp folder leaner now deletes all content regardless of Options > Advanced > In Windows temp folder delete only files older than 24 hours state.
It happened already more times that CCleaner deleted even freshly created files (i have the option above ON)
Win8.1u1 64bit. Run CC with 'only delete files older than 24 hours' ticked and it leaves a newly created file alone, run again with it NOT ticked and it deletes it.
I don't know what is wrong. I again verify that the 24hours grace option is checked. Run analysis manually, then Run Cleaner, and today created files are preserved. But when I run CCleaner scheduled, I find morning that files with yesterday's timestamp in %temp% are all gone. I don't run any other cleaners overnight.
I am more tested it and it looks CCleaner still leaves very fresh files intact, but doesnot now obey the 1 day period fully. Today I check %temp% and very recent files from evening are intact while files made morning and afternoon are all gone. Anyway their age surely was <24hrs. On the other hand I can find there a log file from tuesday.
That's not so important, the important is that CCleaner for some reason deletes files younger than 24hrs. Confirmed today, shortly after scheduled run all temp files created there today are gone, so it couldn't be any other program.
May my winapp2.ini be on cause? Don't have other idea why CCleaner purges %temp% so early...
If you're trying to "debug" and figure out why CCleaner is doing something completely unexpected you'd need to first backup (ZIP, 7Z, RAR, etc.,) and then remove your winapp2.ini file. I think that's the only way to figure out for sure if it's something wrong with a default CCleaner installation, or something introduced by using winapp2.ini.
Unchecking Windows > System > Temporary files will preserve yesterday's files (Temp seems intact).This could confirm that there's no other util cleaning %Temp%.
Checking Windows > System > Temporary files and checking Options > Advanced > In Windows Temp delete only older than 24hrs ...yesterdays files deleted
Removing Winapp2 doesnot seem remove the problem
This is kind of mystery. I don't have other explication than that CCleaner doesn't obey the 24 hour grace period properly.
Are you looking at 'Date Modified' or 'Date Accessed' for the files? CCleaner's basic rule refers to 'Date Accessed' - so a file created last Tuesday and accessed yesterday would not necessarily be removed.
And... please forgive me if this seems like an obvious question.... are you checking which files have/have not been removed using Windows Explorer ?
Thanks for the care. Actually the temp was purged at 1AM while I had CCleaner schedulet on 1:30AM. Noticing this I traced this was done by other app which silently added purging %temp% to default features. So problem is solved,