Bug at launch on win98


My os release is windows 98 4.10.2222

:) I use ccleaner for a long time and it always has been ok!

:( Unfortunately, it's impossible to launch defraggler.

The error message in french is:

Le fichier DEFRAGGLER.EXE est li? ? une exportation manquante KERNEL32.DLL:SetFilePointerEx

The translation is something like:

File DEFRAGGLER.EXE is related to a missing export KERNEL32.DLL: SetFilePointerEx

What can I do please ?


Defraggler's system requirements are Win2000 or newer.

You should consider upgrading Windows (and replacing your computer, I think) - Win98 is really old and unsupported.


Defraggler ne peut ?tre utilis? que sous Windows 2000 et plus. Il est donc impossible de l'utiliser sous Windows 98.

Il faudrait mettre ? jour Windows (et probablement changer l'ordinateur si il est vieux), Windows 98 est tr?s vieux et n'est plus support? par Microsoft - de plus, il n'est plus compatible avec la plupart des logiciels.


Defraggler does not support Windows 98/ME however your Operating System has a built-in defrag tool which should be more than adequate.

If you have a boot CD like BartPE or Hiren's Tools (Mini XP) then it would be possible to run Defraggler from a USB Flash Drive.

Richard S.

So bad...

Ok, thank you for your answer !!!

Defraggler does not support Windows 98/ME however your Operating System has a built-in defrag tool which should be more than adequate.

If you have a boot CD like BartPE or Hiren's Tools (Mini XP) then it would be possible to run Defraggler from a USB Flash Drive.

Richard S.

Well that answers my problem also. I am also running Win 98 ran CCcleaner for years works alright. But not planning to update in the near future. Lack of funds! Thank for the info