Budget Gaming Rig Or Close

i just bought a cheap mobo and i was thinking if it can be turned into a budget gaming rig or so.


and i was thinking of buying a amd 5400 or maybe a 6000 (89 watts)

and a XFX geforce 8600gt xxx . a 256 over clocked video card.

just want too play crisis or call of duty 4 on medium settings or if possible on full.

wondering if my mobo can handle the amd processor and video card. and idea on what is the closest thing i can buy to turn it into a budget rig ?

and maybe a 500-1 terabyte harddrive ? will it handle it.

Honestly, I would have gotten a cheap Intel motherboard and gotten even a basic Core 2 Duo dual core. You can make it work, but I'd suggest a better motherboard/processor combination.

Newegg link to your motherboard. Read the reviews. Seems like it can be finicky at times. It will be able to handle everything else you want to put in your system. But, no way are you going to be able to play either of those games on full. Medium at best is my guess.

You'd need to get at least 2 GBs of RAM. What OS are you planning to use?


windows xp pro or home, i would probably go with pro

That MoBo will handle what you want, but I would go with http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16819103289 and maybe http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814102715 . The 5400 BE will OC easy and the 3850 will do a pretty good job in the gfx dept. Get a good PSU. Very important for any rig, and especially for gaming. This would do I think http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817139003 . And yes, 2Gb memory is what you need. Hope this helped.