BSOD question

:( I'm running Vista Home Premium. No issues until just now. I got a BSOD, followed by a reboot. Below is the details of the error message. Any ideas what's causing this?


Additional information about the problem:

BCCode: a

BCP1: 00000000

BCP2: 0000001B

BCP3: 00000000


OS Version: 6_0_6001

Service Pack: 1_0

Product: 768_1

Hi Stephen, have you installed any new drivers recently?

A bit of searching around keeps coming up with problems with drivers. Until you get a better suggestion, you could have a read here. Not exactly the same error number, but worth a look.

That is almost always caused by a bad hardware driver. When you turn the

computer on start pressing the F8 key. On the Safe mode menu pick Last known

good configuration. Uninstall the driver for whatever the last hardware you

installed was. Perform a System Restore to a time before this.

BlueScreen Error BCCode a:

If you haven't installed anything new, maybe a simple "Last Known Good Configuration" might help.