BSOD After Updating To Newest Build

I have been using CCleaner for years (it is outstanding). I just got back on line after about a year, and got busy updating a few things, the first of which was CCleaner. After updating to build v5.05.5176 today, though, I went to open it and immediately got a BSOD. Whether attempting to run it from the desktop icon, or the context menu of the recycle bin, I got a blue screen.

I am (still) running Windows Vista, IE, and am currently only using Microsoft Security Essentials and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for protection on this PC. I have never had a problem with CCleaner, nor any other Piriform product, and would love to have this resolved so I can continue using it. Please excuse my naivete, but is it because I updated from one I used over a year ago, skipping builds along the way?

I hope this can be resolved...I really don't want to be without CCleaner.

Thank you for your help, and for all of the exceptional programs you offer. I am on a fixed microincome, and it helps to have such outstanding products free of charge.

Edit: I should mention that it installed (i.e. updated) fine, but it was when I attempted to run the program that it blue screened. I didn't want to keep trying to get it to run after the second blue screen, for obvious reasons. Thank you.

Instead of updating Ccleaner try uninstalling it, rebooting, and then installing the slim build from here

Do you have service pack 2 on for Vista?

Have you done any Windows updates yet after a year offline?

Any other problems?

Try using this to see what it says caused the blue screen

Download at bottom of that page.

BlueScreenView doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - BlueScreenView.exe

After running BlueScreenView, it automatically scans your MiniDump folder and display all crash details in the upper pane.

Thank you, hazelnut, for your quick reply.

I followed your suggestion to uninstall, reboot, and reinstall from the provided link. That did the trick, and CCleaner runs gorgeously, no problems. I am amazed at all of the wonderful changes that have been implemented over the past year when I was off line!

I appreciate the suggestion and link to BlueScreenView. It didn't show any crashes, but I used it after I booted in "Last Known Good Configuration" mode (to resolve a problem unrelated to CCleaner), so I assume that is why it came up empty. At any rate, it will be a valuable tool to use in the future.

It is a relief to have CCleaner working, and to have resolved the problem so simply. Thank you very much for your help.

No problem bastwren :)

As you have been offline a while you may not know about 'Monitoring' and how to turn it off (should you want to so) have a read here.

excuse me for disturbing you shortly...

normally started the computer immediately after a blue screen, without which one can read the message.

if you want the next time will see the message, then deactivate the following

--> start --> control panel --> system --> tab "enhanced" ...



now you can at the next blue screen message in quiet reading (the error code and the suspected source of error)