Browsers besides the big 3

Is anyone here using a browser besides opera, firefox, or Internet Explorer(Maxthon, Avant included)?

I don't care if its IE based or firefox based(although I've tried kmeleon)

If you have anything besides those listed please link me to them. :)

There's hundreds of them.

Those listed below I've never tried therefore I don't know if any of them contain any adware/spyware, etc., all were found by browsing a download site and this is only a snippet of them:

Just found this link on

Netscape 9.0 teaser

Thanks andavari. :D

I didn't wan't anyone to go searcing for me, I just wanted to know if anyone was actually using anything else as their main browser.(I'm downloading about 3 of those right now though. :D)

sputnik have you tried netscape 8? Its the single most bloated browser I have ever tried.

sputnik have you tried netscape 8? Its the single most bloated browser I have ever tried.

I tried it once. And got rid of it :lol:

I tried Netscape myself and it crashed a lot with me. A lot of Errors and crap. I bet still they're having those same Issues.

Some other Issues were

*CPU Usage 100%

*Crashed while visiting websites

*Crashed Randomly :huh:

I have tried Flock and didn't like it.

Tried quite a few here and I still reckon FF is the one that suits me the best for speed and ease of use.

I tried:


slim(this one has my search bar? yuck)

ielight or lightie (this one is useless)


They were all terrible so I gave up.

I've been using opera but its really starting to get on my nerves that it won't work with a bunch of media sites I've started to like.(sure FF wont work either). I thouhgt about moving to an IE shell but none are very good.(the old version of maxthon is ok but the new beta one is horrible.)

Right now computers in general are just getting on my nerves. I never thought I would say this.. but I'm getting sick of the internet.(and thats even after I'm on it way less than I used to be.)

If didn't like my Firefox extensions and themes so much, I would definitely switch to K-Meleon.

Use Seamonkey its great

Ok nevermind, I just can't find anything that I like more than firefox 1.5.

I just installed the newest version of it. (they are still updating 1.5 with security updates)

I thought about uinstalling IE7 and using IE6, but I can't browse without tabs. Its just not comfortable.

Ok nevermind, I just can't find anything that I like more than firefox 1.5.

I just installed the newest version of it. (they are still updating 1.5 with security updates)

I thought about uinstalling IE7 and using IE6, but I can't browse without tabs. Its just not comfortable.


Maxthon is bad? How so?

I'm having no problems with ANY Media site.

No browser has given me trouble :(

Like I said the new beta version of maxthon is terrible. The old one is basically a less customizable firefox based on IE(with a few annoying quarks thrown in). The media sites I'm talking about are like napster. It will eventually load in opera but it takes 10 minutes.(where as it opens in 10 seconds in IE). Also of course you wont have issues loading pages with maxthon since its based on IE.(and who honestly wants to turn away IE users since thats 95% of the internet.)

The beta maxthon is ugly, slow, and the way you configure its options sucks.(The old one is similar to IE in preferences, the new one is... I don't know how to describe it.) Its still a beta though, so maybe it will improve before final release.

Like I said the new beta version of maxthon is terrible. The old one is basically a less customizable firefox based on IE(with a few annoying quarks thrown in). The media sites I'm talking about are like napster. It will eventually load in opera but it takes 10 minutes.(where as it opens in 10 seconds in IE). Also of course you wont have issues loading pages with maxthon since its based on IE.(and who honestly wants to turn away IE users since thats 95% of the internet.)

The beta maxthon is ugly, slow, and the way you configure its options sucks.(The old one is similar to IE in preferences, the new one is... I don't know how to describe it.) Its still a beta though, so maybe it will improve before final release.

Yeah, Opera has it's downs "Sadly". Opera is fast for most every site but for some it can display wrong and it can... take time to load.

Maxthon I have used for 3 years and liked it. I moved from Maxthon to Firefox though. I'm liking FireFox and been using it for about 1yr&6months.

Beta version for Maxthon I did try and didn't like it either. Interface just... wasn't the same and the options...OMG don't wanna talk about it :unsure:

Have you tried FF 3 Alpha 2?

This so wasn't the point of this topic.

I just wanted to know if anyone was using a obscure browser that I hadn't heard of full time. :P

When I made this topic I was annoyed with opera, firefox pissed me off a few days before, and IE is well... broken.

This so wasn't the point of this topic.

I just wanted to know if anyone was using a obscure browser that I hadn't heard of full time. :P

When I made this topic I was annoyed with opera, firefox pissed me off a few days before, and IE is well... broken.

The best of the best is either..

Avant, Maxthon, FireFox or Opera. You may as well give up :P

Have you tried FF 3 Alpha 2?
I'm dieing to try but I'd like to hear from others first :)

I was just asking, I haven't used it. I was curious.

Sounds like you shouldn't be surfing the web.
