Browser Security Test

Think I may have posted this online browser security test a fair while ago where some some may not have seen it and may want to try.

Careful! The test will try to crash your browser! Close all other browser windows before starting and bookmark this page. If your browser crashes during the test, restart it and return to this page. It will show which vulnerability crashed your browser and offer you to continue the test or view the results.

Browser Security Test

Can't remember this one, so gave it a shot with Opera 9.62.


Threw in everything, all tests, results :


It reminds me of something like simulation on how NoScript will protect me against these exploits.


It reminds me of something like simulation on how NoScript will protect me against these exploits.
Your signature is VERY offensive to me!

WARNING Images could lead to a heart attack!

Same image as tcoffeep :D

@YoKenny: LOL he got you too!!!! I "jumped" when I saw that. Offensive is a poor word choice. I'd say...surprising to say the least.



Signature caught another unwary victim. devemoticon.gif

Passed just fine with Firefox

Testing with Minefield 3.1b2pre 20081113 NoScript set to Temporarily allow


Ff 3.0.4 passed all 10!

Acid3 Test are one of the best test for browser so far. Btw is this test fake or something? Because IE, Firefox, and Opera....passed everything.

Of course now I just had to click the link in the signature didn't I.

LOL very good was not expecting that. LOL

I've been illusioned!

@fireryone & Talldog9

May I know who/what are you referring to? I'm somehow confused. :wacko:

Ff 3.0.4 passed all 10!

Same here Firefox 3.0.4 passed all 17! ;)

Same here. Mine passed the Internet Explorer vulnerabilities tests.


:) davey