Broked Hard Drive?

I dropped my laptop a few hours ago (well, a few episodes of NCIS ago), and whenever I log on my laptop, both Ubuntu and Windows Vista take quite a while to start up.

Also, the last time I started starting up Vista, something like this showed up:

360/360 Registry\Machine\Components

.. Vista started up a while after, and it's running just fine. Would that line of text have anything to do with me dropping my laptop (probably, but I hope not)? And if so.. should think about getting a new hard drive (if that's the problem, that is)?

Oh, and if I should get a new hard drive, could anyone recommend a nice SSD one for a good price? :D Wanted to wait until Windows Seven to get a good one, but I'm starting to get impatient. XD

Hi Sloth,

I had the same message on my laptop this morning, and I can confirm it's not caused by the shock made on your HDD.

360/360 (Registry\Machine\Components)

Yesterday I had two updates : Vista & Bitdefender. I think this message was caused by one of these two updates. I found your post when searching answers about this strange mesage.

Bye B)

I had the same error and delay on boot after my Vista machine installed the latest round of updates. It showed up in the post and the whole post process was delayed for a bit - long enough for me to think "lock up" but after a bit it went all black and then the same string returned for a little while before continuing to boot. I was relieved but concerned so I searched on the string - your post and one is a foreign language were all that I could find.

Would still like to know what is up with this!

Thanks guys. I honestly don't remember ever getting those updates, but I must have.

If either of you find out anything about the slow boot and recent updates, mind posting here? Still a little worried about it, just not as much as before. ^^