Boot up..or else

Lenovo drops laptop from plane and gives it 10 seconds to boot to save itself.

Watch the other vid there as well which shows how they did it ('cause they actually did it!!)

Lenovo drops laptop from plane and gives it 10 seconds to boot to save itself.

Watch the other vid there as well which shows how they did it ('cause they actually did it!!)

Is that what they mean by "elevated user privileges". 1.gif

Would've been sad had they forgotten to charge the battery.:lol:

Haha, amazing find.

Really nice, I am just thinking, how it would be like to get others to test their products the same way. he he...


My computer boots in about 25 seconds or less.

My dual core Windows 7 celeron atom powered netbook boots in about 45 seconds.

I could put it on standby, & press the power button, & "boot" in 1 second!


*Edit, I betcha if I put an SSD drive in my desktop OR netbook, it would be 10 seconds or less. :)