First, as this is my first post, I'd like to thank Piriform for its great softwares.
A question I've been wondering since boot-time defrag has been introduced into Defraggler : on every computer I tested it, Defraggler does _not_ defrag pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys, even if, at the boot-time screen (white text on black background), it says something like "pagefile.sys... done".
I browsed the help site and the forum, to no avail.
Yes, I hibernate often ; but I worked around this problem by booting on some live cd, and removing pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys. Usually, upon reboot, Windows recreates them in a single piece each.
But basically, I was not wondering about workarounds, but about what seem 1. a bug (pagefile.sys not defragged while Defraggler says it did) and 2. a missing feature (Defraggler does not seem to know that a boot-time defrag of hiberfil.sys would be a cool defragging feature) to me.
I've never defragged my PageFile. I turn it off, reboot, turn it on again and reboot.
It invariably ends up as one single unfragmented file. And if you set the min and max sizes the same, there's far less chance of it becoming fragmented.