boot menu with 2 windows

After messing up an old pata 80gb HD ended up with 2 boot options, both Windows.

The first boots OK but, the second says missing file, <Windows Root> system32\hal.dll

I looked there & hall.dll exists.

I searched for boot.ini, where perhaps could delete the second boot, but there is not one.

Any adeas please? ........nick

I'm not sure if this will do as you ask nick, but if you boot up that System, and then load Windows System Config, Start\Run\Enter "msconfig" (no quotes) and hit OK.

If you select the BOOT.INI tab, and then "Check All Boot Paths" it should check the two options you have, and tell you one is defunct and ask if you want to delete it.


And I appear to have a duff one myself, although the Recovery Console is installed:


I'll have to check that one out.

Thanx Denis,

that did it.