Boot Disc Error

I have used CCleaner for years and it was with total confidence I tried Defragger.

It was taking a long time so I just left the computer on defragging and went to bed.

This morning I tried to boot up and got a "Boot Disc Error", now I have lost everything on the hard drive. I can't get anything to work. It asked for the system disc, so I put that in and it started to install Windows, after an half hour that failed as well.

I put a different drive from another computer and that one worked so I know it is a hard drive failure.

Windows XP, SP3. nothing fancy. WD120GB HD,

Any help will be very much appreciated

Thanks, Dave

Did you try getting to the Repair Console and do a FIXMBR?

I can't boot. I get a DOS screen, "Boot Disc error"

Are you able to use a linux live cd such as Puppy or Ubuntu and boot and see your hard drive from that from that?

A slow hard drive usually indicates faulty hardware (bad sectors) although it can be malware related.

Given the fact your computer won't boot anymore I think it's safe to assume your hard drive has problems.

If you really want to re-install Windows onto this hard drive you must first scan and fix all bad sectors.

For this I would recommend you use a freeware utility called MHDD.

When you Scan you must make sure "Remap" is set to "ON" otherwise it won't patch faulty sectors.

After MHDD has completed Windows should re-install however just how long it last would depend on how bad the hard drive is.

Richard S.