If you need further evidence that Google has a slip-shod approach to policing the official Android app store, then take a look at this.
As Android Police reports, a new Android app called “Virus Shield” and costing $3.99 has become a big hit, managing to reach the highly-prized position of #1 new paid app in the Google Play store, after little more than a week.
So many of the #HOLOYOLO folks really hate that appstore. It doesn't bother me having it on my device for the handful of useful free apps I've gotten from them
I forgot all about Microsofts store. Its pretty bad.
Way too many "fake" facebook, instragram, youtube, ect. clones.
You should see the actual official YouTube app for the PS3 (the only way to watch YouTube in HD on a PS3), it's useless because it has videos displayed out of order, etc.
I'm not sure if its Sony or Google's fault but it is pretty much useless.
I've hated the software side of the PS3 since its launch. I love its games library though. I bought a PS4 in December and its much better. Now it has a "standby" mode where it auto downloads updates, game patches, ect. I couldn't stand using the PS3 because every time I turned it on it had some kind of long patch it needed to do. Now the PS4 just needs some games.
Failure on Goofgle's part (heheh). Not that I don't like google; I am a diehard android user; it's just that they have so much work to do in terms of their app store. I agree; amazon sure is the way to go, usually.
Amazon Appstore is rubbish imo, the apps in it rarely get updated compared to the Google Play store. :/ Also all apps installed with amazon app store require it to be on the device and active as DRM
While no fan of the goo-app store I froze the amazon app store it's interface was cruddy and it constantly used resources (more than others I mean, but I also froze google music, books and whatever else is sold in app (groceries?)) But I digress.
IMHO all the app stores are susceptible to this sort of attack-apps especially as virus-writers start to encrypt their malware more