I'm not sure if anyone here is a Bob Dylan fan but his latest album modern times is out and its definitely one to pick up. I don't know of another artist that has ever been able to put out this many albums and they never become boring or overdone. At 65 years old its unbelievable that he can put out a record that seemingly out does anything else that will be released this year(or probably anything since his last album). Theres no doubt he is in another league when it comes to musicianship/writing. Does modern times stand up to his classic albums like Highway 61, Blonde on Blonde, or Blood on the Tracks? Probably not, but does anything?(Probably not. )
I have not bought this album yet because I didn't go to the store yet but I have been listening to it with napster's free service. They have the full album available to stream and I have been listening to it all day.
If anyone actually cares what Rolling Stone thinks anymore here is their review.
If you not a fan I'm not sure if this one will be for you. If you have never listened to Dylan before go listen to Highway 61 Revisited and the other albums on napster first. If those don't get you hooked then you must be deaf.