bluetooth keyboard & mouse.

Im thinking about getting a bluetooth keyboard and mouse but does anyone know how they keyboard works seeing when you are in the bios no drivers are loaded there for neither are the bluetooth drivers for the keyboard :blink: .

Also i may get a trackball mouse, has anyone had anye xperience with them and how do they feel etc.

The "driving" of the keyboard and mouse is done through the radio box you get in the package, not through software. The box plugs into USB (or PS/2 if you adapt it) and should be read by 'legacy USB support' in the BIOS. Of course if you plug it into PS/2 (and if your motherboard is made well) then it'll work through DOS et al with no BIOS requirements.

Right as I now know it will work with the bios etc. any recommendation of which one to get, a have read a lot of positive reviews about Logitech diNovo Cordless Desktop any one had experience with it?

Also i may get a trackball mouse, has anyone had anye xperience with them and how do they feel etc.

I use a Logitech 'TrackMan Wheel' trackball mouse. Had it for like 2 years now, it's great, lot easier to use and you don't tend to run out of mouse mat with them. :D

Thanks ill have a look into the TrackMan.