Blue Screen on Defrag during boot.

I am Currently running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition with latest updates and patches.

I downloaded Version 2 Beta and tried the defrag on boot option and recieved a Blue Screen O'Death.

I will post later with the error number but as a heads up to other Windows 7 Users try on a virtual machine or something first.

Do you still have the Windows minidump file?

Unnecessary remarks removed by moderator. Please keep on topic Mr Don.

Have you by chance tried the compatibility mode to test it in?

Right click on Defraggler & choose properties.

Go to compatibility tab & choose an older OS like Vista or XP & click ok.

Also, try running it in safe mode to eliminate the possibility that a program/setting/malware may be causing interferance.

Press f8 key on reboot till safe mode option comes up.

Post back if it runs in safe mode.

I got the same thing on Windows 7 32 bit.

Do you still have the Windows minidump file?

No I don't have the minidump file. But I have a Virtual Machine I can test it in to get another one.

Unnecessary remarks removed by moderator. Please keep on topic Mr Don.

Have you by chance tried the compatibility mode to test it in?

Right click on Defraggler & choose properties.

Go to compatibility tab & choose an older OS like Vista or XP & click ok.

Also, try running it in safe mode to eliminate the possibility that a program/setting/malware may be causing interferance.

Press f8 key on reboot till safe mode option comes up.

Post back if it runs in safe mode.

Compatibility mode would only work when it is running in the native windows environment. It wopuld have no affect on the pre-boot defragmentation of a hard-drive since windows doesn't load. Same thing for the safe mode this wouldn't affect the pre-boot defrag either.

post-33313-003873000 1288110673_thumb.jpgScreenshots.pdf

Above I have attached a couple of screenshots of the setting I selected and a picture of the Blue Screen.

I can not find my windows minidump file.

If I can offer anything else to help let me know.

Edit: The error code at the bottom is 0x00000074

Have a look here

Also if you used your ccleaner before looking for the minidump (it's in c\windows for those who don't know) then it will be gone as cc cleans them. Trick is to move the dumpfile to your desktop before you clean if you want to keep it.

We are currently investigating this issue.