Blue Screen Error

I was just wondering !!!!! what are forum members general opinions about the significance of Blue Screen crashes ????

Many things can cause them, drivers, etc.... Personally, I have never experienced a single blue screen until few months ago. Since then, I had 10-15 blue screens between two laptops. Though a pain sometimes, I have had no other computer issues as result of the blue screen. Everything seems to work just fine after the reboot. I safe boot then normal boot.

So, how critical or significant is the Blue Screen ?? It cannot be good, but is it all that bad ???

I have tried many suggested solutions for Blue screen, but it still happens.

My choice is to live with it just like all other PC related crashes or issues.

Let me hear some opinions !!!



Definitely bad, and you need to try sort out the cause in case you hit a BSOD you can't recover from.

When it next happens, make a note of the error number if you're able, and post it here. That's somewhere to start.

Blue Screen Of Death happens when Windows detects a memory violation in kernel space and shuts down the OS because it's now unstable.

Most crashes are caused by buggy device drivers, however faulty hardware, bad RAM and corrupted file system can also contribute.

Do you have any information such as STOP code this would help determine the type of crash??

To find the STOP code use Nirsoft's BlueScreenView and click on the most recent crash dump.

Richard S.

Thanks for BlueScreenView program. I tried to view C:\windows\minidump but apparently CCleaner wiped them out.

But here's Stop codes from previous blue screen crash. It showed a file from Bitdefender program, dbftdif.sys.

Stop 0x0000008E , 0xC0000005




I will post more stop error codes from now on.


here's an app that may be of help to you

You said both laptops were crashing, if bdftdif.sys was the cause then it's highly likely bit defender was the problem.

Try uninstalling see if that helps or check for updates perhaps there is a known bug in the software??

Richard S.

Have you noticed anything in common with the BSOD?

e.g. do they happen after you close down your browser or start up a specific application?

Do both laptops have bitdefender on?

If not you should do thorough virus/malware checks as well.

You really need to get them sorted.

As respect to the forum, before I posted this topic I have tried most logical steps already. Virus/spyware scan/removal,, uninstall/install programs, etc....

The only consistent observation that I made for the crash is it happens during web access (I use Firefox). I cannot point to a particular website. Although two blue screens occurred during shutdown.

As I said, most curious observation is after every blue screen crash, reboots fine and everything seems to work just fine. I have not had any hint of any problem what so ever. If blue screen is that bad, why haven't I had any failures ??? Especially since I have never had a single blue screen EVER until few months ago. My laptops are 3-4 yrs old, so at first I thought laptops are going bad SLOWLY..memory/HD,etc.. but so far so good.

It my be worth running firefox in no addons mode to see if it is indeed an add-on that is causing it.

Get troubleshooting and let us know!

Do you remember the last add-on you installed for FF?

I found this post perhaps it maybe be related to your problems.

Richard S.

Again, before I posted Blue screen topic, I have literally done all I can. It seems Bitdefender file is the problem, but I have 10s of emails from them without a solution. Blue Screen comes with or without Bitdefender. I have had few blue screen crashes with Bitdefender uninstalled.

Thanks for all the possible solutions, but the point of my post is why doesn't blue screen crash causing damages to my laptop ??

Like I said, what's still puzzling me is NOTHING happened to my laptops after blue screen and reboot. IF blue screen is in fact such a MAJOR problem, then why haven't I had any problems with my laptops ??? Any ideas ???

Think of a BSOD like going to the doctors.

BSOD is a symptom.

Now some symptoms are real serious and point to a critical, life threatening illness, other BSOD just tell you that something isn't right.

In your case it sounds like your computer is trying to tell you that it has something on it which it really disagrees with.

Think of a BSOD like going to the doctors.

BSOD is a symptom.

Now some symptoms are real serious and point to a critical, life threatening illness, other BSOD just tell you that something isn't right.

In your case it sounds like your computer is trying to tell you that it has something on it which it really disagrees with.

Great metaphor Hazel B)

We came around full circle to my original question. Of course there MAY be something wrong when blue screen occurs. But how do I find the problems and more importantly, WHAT do I need to do ???

Do I trash the laptops and buy new ones ??

Replace HD, RAM, motherboard, etc???

Everyone says Blue screen is DEATH, yet no one can tell me NOW WHAT ??? Like I said, my laptops work just fine after reboot until the next blue screen. If I continue to use the laptops what will happen?? smoke?? HD crash?? RAM goes crazy ?? Video won't work ?? None of these happened YET.

As I said, these are the mystery of PC. There are things that NOBODY REALLY knows why?? It might be a symptom, but my body works just fine, so why goto the doctor ?? They don't know either !!!

Interesting !!!!

Make a backup of all your important data somewhere.

If you have iTunes, uninstall it and see if that works (iTunes is known to cause a lot of odd behavior since Apple thought it'd be funny to modify existing kernel-mode drivers...)

Did you try the Program I linked? is the crash ALWAYS dbftdif.sys

BSOD shouldn't damage your laptop because well that's why it bluescreened to make sure the laptop's kernal was not damaged.

to continue with the Metaphor BSOD is the Asprin (it stops the kernal damage from occuring) not the symptom of the error.

Have you tried to repair the windows install to (mayhaps) fix the underlying cause?

4 pages here with lots of info Tiger.

Wait for some of the wiser heads on here to confirm it, and if they do try chkdsk. It is mentioned on the page Hazelnut linked. You can see its parameters by clicking on start > run > then typing cmd > then press enter, then type chdksk/?

First back up data. Then uninstall any suspect hardware and/or programs. Then reboot twice. Then, if others agree, try chkdsk. None of those steps should do harm, and chkdsk might just fix it. Post back what happens, OK? :)

Thanks Hazelnut for Blue screen discussion website. It was very helpful understanding more about blue screen.

Speaking of which, I have not had a single blue screen since I post the topic few days ago...Hummmmm !!!

Is this divine ????

Thanks guys.. :)

I have not had a single blue screen since I post the topic few days ago.

Could be some software you have installed and ran that caused it too.