Black screen when booting in safe mode

I have tried booting into safe mode on my computer and when I do the monitor turns black and one of my monitors tells me no imput and the other tells me it can't read that kind of video file.

I then have to fix boot and restart in normal mode I need to get into safe mode , what do I do.

Please please awnser this question for me it would be greatly appreciated.

Hi darkslider,

The first cause Microsoft support lists for most of this problem is booting with some media in your CD,dvd, or floppy .Says remove media and boot again. Also says hitting ESC key causes this.

Anything laying on your ESC key?

Black screen when booting

This is what I searched on in Microsoft.

Using F8 or F5 to boot into safe mode?

Good luck,

:) davey

Well Dave that's not the awnser but thanks for trying no nothing on my esc key and no media in any drives. This is a really good question because I have looked for hours online to find the solution and I'm not bad about locating an awnser. Who ever is able to fix this problem is going to be a real pro, but thanks for playing.

BTW what happens if you just hit enter after the screen goes black.

Although you might not want to.If you have done all that searching then you already know what Cause #2 is.

Don't forget to fill us in with your system info.This may attract someone who has been through the problem.

:) davey

I am running xp and nothing happens when I press enter or ctrl alt del either, and no I haven't seen anybody with the awnser to this problem what is cause #2.

Use your Boot disk or boot from your master CD

It sends no signal to the monitor if I try to boot in safe mode with the disk or not. Is there a way to change what kind of video output your computer is sending to the monitor??

It sends no signal to the monitor if I try to boot in safe mode with the disk or not. Is there a way to change what kind of video output your computer is sending to the monitor??

Worth trying to change your graphics card driver to a windows standard and disconect 1 of your monitors

Maybe your multimonitor-combination is only supported in normal mode because of the drivers. Yes, suggestion above should fix it. It's because Windows only loads the core system components in safe mode and that leads to many differences in your graphics card's operating behaviour (at least a low resolution on every system).

I only have one monitor hooked up at a time I just tried another monitor I had when this problem occurred how do I change to a windows standard??

Hi again,

Don't worry about Cause #2 right now.

I would follow the advice you were given about getting down to one monitor.

First thing go to Services and make sure Plug and Play is started and on Automatic.

Click on Safely Remove Hardware Icon in task notifications area to see what it displays.

Click on References to any extra Monitors other than the one you are going to use.

Unplug unused Monitors.

Then go to Device Manager and click on Display Adaptors,

Right click on first one and click on Uninstall.

Click on Action on tools bar and click on Search for New Hardware.

Click on Restart when pop-up window comes up.

Let restart into normal mode.You may get messages.Reply accordingly.If you end up in a Wizard reply "No not this time "when you see it and keep going.You may also get a lot of "new hardware found messages " .This is normal. Restart will be a little longer than normal.

Go to Device Manager again..

Do same thing with Monitor as you did with Display Adapter earlier except this time you will not get pop-up window.This may work a little different on you system.

Now why are you needing to restart in safe mode?

If it is still necessary, do next step.

Now try reboot into Safe Mode.

Your screen is going to look weird until you reboot again.

Come back and fill us in.

:) davey


darkslider: Is your computer hooked up to TV, i.e. with s-video cable?

No it's no hooked up to a tv. I can't understand what you said dave could you be alittle more specific. Thank you all for your help. I really need to boot in safe mode and be able to see what I am doing is there a way to customize safe mode so that it loads my video drivers??

Maybe your multimonitor-combination is only supported in normal mode because of the drivers. Yes, suggestion above should fix it. It's because Windows only loads the core system components in safe mode and that leads to many differences in your graphics card's operating behaviour (at least a low resolution on every system).

Yes, i got computer hooked up (s-video) to TV and i get "Cannot Display This Video Mode" message, when Windows is loading. If i boot up to safe-mode, screen stays black, even after Windows has booted up. I have to unplug s-video cable from TV to solve that.

This info is from my Dell monitor user's guide:

OSD Warning Messages

A warning message may appear on the screen indicating that the monitor is out of sync range.

Cannot Display This Video Mode

This means that the monitor cannot synchronize with the signal that it is receiving from the computer. Either the signal is too high or too low for the monitor to use. See Specifications for the Horizontal and Vertical frequency ranges addressable by this monitor. Recommended mode is 1024x768 @ 60Hz.

Occasionally, no warning message appears, but the screen is blank. This could also indicate that the monitor is not synchronizing with the computer or the monitor is in a power save mode.

I only have one monitor hooked up at a time I just tried another monitor I had when this problem occurred how do I change to a windows standard??

Hi Again,

This is the best link I can find for you.

You are apparently having "Multiple Monitors Windows XP" problems.

This is what I searched for at Microsoft >>>>>>> Multiple Monitors Windows XP


This link second. You may not need it if first link takes care of your problem.

Best Wishes,

:) davey

CEECEE is also seriously trying to understand your basic underlying problem.