Hi again,
Don't worry about Cause #2 right now.
I would follow the advice you were given about getting down to one monitor.
First thing go to Services and make sure Plug and Play is started and on Automatic.
Click on Safely Remove Hardware Icon in task notifications area to see what it displays.
Click on References to any extra Monitors other than the one you are going to use.
Unplug unused Monitors.
Then go to Device Manager and click on Display Adaptors,
Right click on first one and click on Uninstall.
Click on Action on tools bar and click on Search for New Hardware.
Click on Restart when pop-up window comes up.
Let restart into normal mode.You may get messages.Reply accordingly.If you end up in a Wizard reply "No not this time "when you see it and keep going.You may also get a lot of "new hardware found messages " .This is normal. Restart will be a little longer than normal.
Go to Device Manager again..
Do same thing with Monitor as you did with Display Adapter earlier except this time you will not get pop-up window.This may work a little different on you system.
Now why are you needing to restart in safe mode?
If it is still necessary, do next step.
Now try reboot into Safe Mode.
Your screen is going to look weird until you reboot again.
Come back and fill us in.